Wednesday 9 April 2014

Choose O P T I M I S M !

This post is slightly different to the normal fashion related topics that are seen coming from this blog. Chloe Noir is not only about showing the latest trends and fashion tips but making sure each individual is happy with the skin they are in and improving confidence with clothing. I would like to share with you a few a tips that I have recently learnt myself.

Being only 21 I am most definitely not the fount of all knowledge however, I sure have had some life experiences that have put a lot of things into perspective. 

Sometimes we can live in such an ugly world. I believe the media have a huge part to play in a lot of hate and negativity. There is no privacy for most people, and the rest like to detail every aspect of their life on social networking sites.  There are so many people around that are only in things for themselves and not wanting to help the greater good of other people. When really we should all be celebrating each other's success and encouraging each other to do well in life.

Only a couple of months ago, something suddenly hit me. The attitude that I had at the time really was not getting me anywhere, although I have always been motivated and wanting to do well in life, I did not believe in myself one bit. So why would anyone else? For me this was due to a massive confidence issue that I had with myself and this reflected in something that I was passionate about.

I woke up one day and thought, today. Today is the day to be happy, optimistic and to kick ass! I know I'm not getting any younger, and I'm going to be optimistic, because I really believe what I am trying to achieve is for the greater good of other people. And, if it doesn't work out, at least I can say I tried. Reading optimistic quotes, and looking at pictures really helped me, it will motivate you find you what to really do in life and the steps you can take to achieve it. Remember, optimism is a choice and believe me it was the best choice I ever made. Optimism is key.

Whatever it is that you want to achieve in life, I really believe you can do it! Change the I can't, to I will! Believe in yourself and be happy of other peoples success. Go for it, you have only one life so give it your best shot. 

And that's why I believe now...My world is beautiful.

Love & Happiness;

Chloe Noir,


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